Facebook is pretending it cares how its platform affects the world by Siva Vaidhyanathan
The reality is that Trump used Facebook most effectively as an organizing and fundraising tool, not as a platform for ‘posting’

My only response to this is: “Well of course he did.” He was handed an incredibly powerful set of tools coupled with an incredibly easy way to use them. What did people expect would happen?

State College

45 °F Partly cloudy

Testing Quill again now that I’ve spend the weekend completely rebuilding my personal site from the ground up, Indieweb first. It’s taken longer than I would have liked, and I’m going to need to reassign post kinds because none of that got imported as part of the content export, but honestly I’m not that upset about this. The old site had too many crazy things going on in the database thanks to 20 years of experimentation and WordPress learnings and it was finally time to just nuke it from orbit and start from scratch-ish.

State College

63 °F Shower In Vicinity