@mf723 @Mongoose_Q @hllf Even if you don’t figure in new patients, costs suchs as equipment, meds, ETC go up
@mf723 @Mongoose_Q @hllf Medicare cuts would hurt hospitals because costs for hospitals go up.
@hllf @mf723 Yes I know and this is what I have a problem with.
@hllf @mf723 See my tweet re: office space not being used ETC for examples of cuts I’d like to see.
@hllf @mf723 GovCo only talks of cutting/not increasing things that don’t effect them. I think there need to be some actual cuts.
@mf723 @hllf After all the idiocy gets cut we can talk about possibly cutting entitlement programs and military spending.
@mf723 @hllf Medicare isn’t necessarily the culprate. But there’s a lot of misc that is and that needs to be cut first.
@hllf @mf723 After all that then we can talk about everybody’s pet projects and cut where we need to.
@hllf @mf723 tech the military even says it doesn’t want, govt funding of non-profits, ETC.
@hllf @mf723 And I don’t mean usual suspects. I mean things like all the office space not being used TBC
@hllf @mf723 Yes very true. I’m not in favor of any tax increase until GovCo gets rid of all of it’s wasteful spending.
@hllf @mf723 People like to say the rich are paying less taxes because it’s the in thing to say.
@brucetola Yes that truly must have been terrifying.
@QueenofSpain Yep someone’s selling.
@aznor99 And I hope you’re having a blessed and meaningful Ramadan.
@aznor99 Was a meeting held during Iftar?
@mektastic It says you’re just like me.
@khoath I vote for doing subnetting.
@steveofmaine Not that I’m aware of.
@Goldfingas No stealing!