@mrgriffy09 Yep defiitely going to suck for you.
@jamminjerry @wa4wga I know I’m just screwing with your head.
@frumsatire Learned something new today. Had to look up Shabbos lamp on Wikipedia.
@wa4wga @jamminjerry I think you should join Skyscanner. It’s better!
Testing some sound.
Got the java code fixed thanks to @tspivey #tylerwin
@dgl1984 I love that stuff! It’s great!
@Dishnut @Blair_42 So are we getting LTUAE live tonight? Or are you woing to be a pansy and drop the ball this week Blair?
I can’t believe this. I’m going to have to retype all this code. All because of a non-breaking space that I can’t find. #javafail
@OHCONSERVATISM So do I. Wanna do mine and I’ll do yours?
@sarahbrodsky I get how they could focus people’s minds on what they need, but don’t get all the promises of success.
@sarahbrodsky @rivkisilver Somedays I don’t get segulot.
@sarahbrodsky I’m surprised. You’d think the concepts around praying for others would kick in.
@rivkisilver What’s the mitzvah of saying Shir Hashirim?
@rivkisilver What’s the Hebrew text? My screenreader doesn’t speak Hebrew. Seriously.
@ppatel @miahtech Wait, there’s a unicorn flying past my window!
RT @MidianiteManna: My son spent the afternoon playing while singing “Avinu Volcano.” Guess something got lost in translation.
RT @MidianiteManna: Bad Cohen and I spent the morning at a synagogue whose Ner Tamid looks like the Eye of Sauron. Had to keep checking …
@tikva I couldn’t fast for medical reasons, but avoided caffeine. Having coffee now… #yomkippur