@bardsong @mektastic So maybe we should all exchange email addresses so we can keep in contact? Or something?
@bardsong OK then let me know when you purchase the domain.
@bardsong How about accessiblebookreviews.com? Just a thought.
@Ali8923 @bardsong OK so we need a cool domain name and a spot. I can provide the spot.
@bardsong If you start book blogging again, can I help write for the site?
@stick_bear Actually that is kind of funny.
@CalmWaters73 Yeah pretty much that’s how I feel. Being good to others is the important part.
@CalmWaters73 Personally, I think if it’s permissible, it shouldn’t be forbidden just because of policy reasons.
@CalmWaters73 Even for the frummies electricity on Shabbat is technically OK, they just forbid it for other reasons.
@CalmWaters73 There needs to be a law against ADHD hippie rabbis conducting services. That one was three hours.