Originally published at Customerservant.com. You can comment here or there.

I was reading through my LJ Friends page, and came across a post by a new ex-Christian.
She says she used to work for the 700 Club’s prayer hotline, which got me thinking about all kinds of humorous things.
Like, what would happen if I called and told them that I’m blind, gay and Jewish, and I’m so ashamed of myself I want to commit suicide, and I need someone to pray for me?
And then, wait a month or two, and write a letter telling my story, and now, thanks to J, everything’s peechy.
Yeah, don’t mind me, I’m sick.


Current Mood: none

This afternoon’s meeting with Phil was quite interesting.
Rumple Stiltskin came back to my desk, and told me that someone from
Division of Services for the Blind was here to see me, and that we were
going to work on the software issues.
He also told me that this was “Phase Two” of our little adventure.
Phase two?
You mean Phase One has lasted since December of 2005, and we’re just now
beginning Phase Two?
And how many phases are there going to be?
So Phil and I sit together, and I demonstrate to Phil all the issues with
the software, and he tells management and HR the same thing I’ve been
telling them all this time.
So my case has been reopened with DSB, and I’m now considered post
Nice how everyone has some nice buzzword for everything.
I’m hoping the process for this new job continues to go as smoothly as it
I got in touch with my friend Damon
this afternoon, and proceeded to drill him on the kinds of questions he got
asked during his interview process.
That probably wasn’t very fair of me, considering he started working for
Freedom Scientific three or four years ago, but I was still in my neurotic
frame of mind.
Fortunately, he took it in stride, (he probably just considered me to be
just like a psycho caller, and wrote it off), and told me that they were
probably asking the questions they did to find out what cue to put me in if
I’m hired.
It’s nice to know that there are always rational people around when you need
I have to be to work tomorrow at 07:30 again.
Well, at least it’s the same time all week.
It was actually suggested to me by my friend Marques at work this morning
that I look into Christianity.
I wasn’t really sure how to answer that, because I don’t want to hurt
Marques’ feelings, and I know he said that because he cares and he wants the
best for me.
I thought about telling him that he could take Jesus if he wanted to, but
that I would take God, but figured that would be mean.
At least he wasn’t pushy or anything.
It’s getting late according to my schedule, so I’m headed to bed.

Hey all,

I’ve been browsing my LJ friends after a long while of not stopping by, and it occured to me that it might be nice if I posted every once in a while.
I’ve spent some time trying to catch up with some of the blinks I haven’t talked to in a long while, mainly looking up people who’s email address or messenger contacts I no longer have.
So far, I haven’t found any of the people I’m looking for.
I think I’m going to list a second email address on my LJ account so I can post from there as well as my normal one.
Maybe that will convince me to actually post in something slightly less than three-month intervals.
I’m in the process of interviewing for a new job with Freedom Scientific.
I’m hoping for a contract position.
That way, I can avoid the time and expense of moving.
It’ll be nice to not work for Convergys anymore.
I can’t believe how laid-back they seem to be around there, Freedom Scientific I mean, not Convergys.
I’ll try to remember to post some of the entries from Customerservant.com over here, at least the personal ones.
I’ll end for now, but I promise, posting will be more frequent.

In attempt to make life easier for myself, I’ve copied the audio lectures I have onto my PacMate, for listening away from the computer.
(Actually, I did this Tuesday before I left work, so I’m not sure if it counts as part of today’s progress report, but anyway).
I plan to edit the files down to smaller size pieces, separating them into sections for easier consumption.
This morning, I listened to the first and second files again, and I also plan to retype the notes from those two files in a better attempt to glean what’s important from them.
Up until now, I’ve been focusing on typing the files verbatum, which has slowed me down.
I also plan to get in touch with Belinda to see about getting together this weekend to compare organization techniques, study together, ETC., since she’s been at this longer than I have.
My goal is to have all of this done by Tuesday of next week.
My files are in complete disarray right now, so among the tasks I’ve set for myself to have completed by Tuesday is imposing organization on them and their contents, which I feel will be accomplished by everything I’ve outlined above.

Originally published at Customerservant.com. You can comment here or there.

When I got to work this morning, and tried to connect to the drive that holds the calls I’m translating, I couldn’t get in.
The system didn’t return any kind of “access denied” error, just a message that the drive could not be found.
I can access every other folder on that drive, (the drive I have mapped isn’t an actual drive, but a folder on a network drive), but I can’t get to the one I need.
That’s very odd, and, if this weren’t going on at work, I’d think nothing of it.
But, since this is the Cube Continuum, one always has to consider what might be lurking around the proverbial corner, (I.E., the ever-present knife).
Obviously, I’ll alert the appropriate people as soon as they get in, but this is just too odd for my liking.
I’d like to just file it in the category of colossal acts of stupidity that pass for normal around here, and award whoever managed to pull this off an Order of Moron, 1st Class, but part of me can’t help but harbor conspiratorial thoughts.
More on this as it develops.

Originally published at Customerservant.com. You can comment here or there.

I posted earlier in the week that I had implemented a moods feature for the site.
I now have a much easier way to handle this feature.
Earlier, I had to enter in a custom field for each post, wait for it to update, and then publish the post, which ended up creating a draft for the post that was already published.
Since I’m not a fan of unnecessary work, I felt this needed to change.
So I found a plugin that will allow me to specify current mood, music and what I’m watching on TV, if anything.
It will allow me to select from drop-down lists, at least for the mood, and hopefully won’t require any of the unnecessary work I so loath.

Originally published at Customerservant.com. You can comment here or there.

I’ve spent the last several hours implementing some new features for the site, namely the ability to display current mood, reading, music, location, ETC.
It’s been rather frustrating.
I’ve spent most of my time tinkering with the code that effects the display, not the code that allows for the information to be entered in.
My sleep schedule’s all screwed up, thanks to my work hours being like they are.
I’ll probably go to bed for a little while later on, but I don’t want it to be an all-day thing, because I want to be able to sleep later tonight.

Originally published at Customerservant.com. You can comment here or there.

I normally try to stay away from making new year’s resolutions, because I usually end up not fulfilling them.
Nonetheless, I thought this would be a good time to look back on how far Customerservant.com has come over the last year, and where I would like it to go in the coming year.

The year didn’t get off to a good start as far as the blog was concerned, due to a major upgrading disaster.
Lesson learned: never try to do major blog platform upgrades while you have the flu.
I was honored to host the New Blog Showcase for 7 May of 2006, and would like to do that again in 2007.
It gave me the opportunity to spread the word about new blogs, as well as find some new ones to add to the blogroll.
I participated in this year’s CSS Reboot in the spring, and hope to do so again in 2007, this time with a little more theme work.
As far as site statistics go, I’ve doubled my traffic from last year’s numbers, and I’m grateful for everyone who stops by.
I’ve also been able to bring in a little advertising, and I hope to fine-tune that in 2007.
I’ve also met a lot of interesting bloggers, at least as far as online is concerned.
For 2007, I’d like to look into coming up with a Customerservant.com logo as well, and I’d like to include more images within posts.
I’d also like to offer a sincere thanks to my readers.
Without you guys, I’d just be talking to myself.
Come to think of it, maybe this blog reflection stuff isn’t such a bad idea after all.
This post is part of Problogger’s latest group writing project.
He’s still taking submissions, and there are some cool prizes being offered, plus links, so consider participating.

Originally published at Customerservant.com. You can comment here or there.

I actually get to come into work tomorrow at 07:30 instead of 06:00.
That’s so great.
I’m writing this post using Firefox, and things seem to be loading/working a whole lot faster.
We’ll see how the app handles all the windows I need to keep open throughout the day, and if it handles it all well, I just might switch.
I like being able to browse via tabs, and I’m not going to pay the $200 it will take to upgrade my Jaws license just so I can use IE7’s new tabbed browsing feature.
Now, the only thing I need to figure out is how to close a tab.
If I can do that, then I can use Firefox to read all the blogs I normally do.

I have to start getting ready for work in about a half-hour, because I have
to be to work at 06:00 this morning.
Yes, it puts me off by 15:00, but that’s a very early start for the day.
It’s supposed to be in the 70’s today, which is odd for December.
It’ll probably be like this for Christmas Day too.
Oh well, at least it means I don’t need to run the heat.
L-J-ers, I’m surry I haven’t updated in a while, but the crosspost plugin
isn’t functioning correctly, and so far, there hasn’t been a fix.
You might want to add the Customerservant.com RSS feed to your feed readers,
if you’re using one.
The feed address is http://customerservant.com/feed/.
If you’re not using an RSS reader, I recommend that you do, because it will
give you a place to organize all the blogs/journals you read, and if you use
a web-based reader like Bloglines, Newsgator, or MyYahoo, you can access it
from anywhere.
I hope you’re all doing well.
A good week to all.

Originally published at Customerservant.com. You can comment here or there.

I got a message from the DA’s office this afternoon, letting me know that the two trials I was supposed to be tesstifying at this week have been continued until 22 January.
I didn’t get this information until I made it a point to contact the DA’s office again to try to see what has been going on since I was never served.
It’s amazing to me how they can get away with doing their job like that.
If I were that incompetent, I’d have been fired long ago, and rightfully so.
Oh well, at least I have someone’s personal office number, so I know where to direct my hounding.

It’s been raining all day, ever since I first woke up this morning.
God, I think I could go right back to sleep, even though it’s almost five in
the evening.
I have to get up at O’Dark:30 all this week, because I’m working from 07:00
to 15:30.
Admittedly, getting up will be difficult, but I’ll like the fact that I’ll
be getting home early enough to watch a couple of episodes of Star Trek TNG
in the afternoon.
I love that show.
It’s the best of the Star Trek series.

Originally published at customerservant.com. You can comment here or there.

Today will be a light blogging day, because, (shock), I actually have work to do that will keep me busy for most of the day.
I’m hoping we can continue this trend, so I can call myself productive, and so I can save the blogging for when it’s supposed to be done, either at home, on a break, or in reaction to something actually happening at work.
It’s just weird to be sitting at work, blogging about everything else but.
I’d rather be sitting at home.
Speaking of work conditions, it’s 800 degrees back here.
I’ve gone up front to have a service request put in so the heat can be turned down.
I’ve also asked for AOLIM access, since that’s what everyone on the floor uses, and it would save me from having to go up front to ask a question.
I could just IM the appropriate person instead.
More later.

Right now, I’m thankful I’ve kept this LJ.
I could never post this entry at customerservant.com, (well, actually, I could, but I’d have to post it privately, because I can’t be sure John wouldn’t try to use it against me.
I’m completely sick, and it’s not due to illness.
They’re planning a major firing tomorrow, they being John, Merick, and Chris.
Rich Raymond, who has worked here literally since the center opened, is getting the axe.
No one’s telling him, they’re just going to let him walk in tomorrow and yank the floor out from under him.
He’s a good worker.
He’s always here on time.
He never breaks the rules.
The man would help anyone, and always looks for the best in everybody, despite his fondness for conspiracy theories.
On top of all of that, he has a wife with some serious medical issues, and he depends on the insurance offered by Convergys a great deal.
I can’t believe they’re just going to let him walk in, and then fire him like that.
They’ve been planning this one for a while.
Everybody but Richard knows about it.
Please don’t think I’m naive enough to believe that a company has no right to fire anyone who’s been working there for a really long time.
It’s not that.
It’s just that I can pretty much guarantee Richard hasn’t done anything to warrant this kind of back-stabbing.
He keeps to himself, and has always demonstrated the kind of work ethic you don’t see anymore.
The folks in charge around here have a history of firing the wrong people, for stupid reasons, and keeping the wrong ones around, and sweeping anything that isn’t quite kosher under the rug.
For instance, back around March, a woman named Corinthia, (also part of the concrete), was fired for passing out a letter with the information for fellow employees to get in touch with Corporate HR, because management had not only hired someone who had previously worked here and been let go specifically as a supervisor, (the written rules state that, if someone is let go, they can’t be rehired as a supervisor, they have to come back as an agent and stay in that position for six months, and then apply for the supervisory position), but to add insult to injury, said individual was fired for credit card fraud.
Corinthia was fired for passing out the letter, (the official ruling was that she had passed around a petition, and there’s supposed to be a rule in the handbook forbidding that sort of thing), which contained only the Corporate HR information, and the allegation, (she used the word allegedly when describing the circumstances of this individual’s rehiring when referring to the credit card fraud).
The next morning, I had to sit through two meetings on the matter.
(Me thinks they doth protest too much). One was with the Asc team, in which Merick told us why Corinthia was fired, that they (upper management) felt she was ready for several promotional opportunities, and that she threw them away because she got caught up in her perception of reality and felt it necessary to make up stories out of whole cloth, and stab people in the back, specifically him.
In other words, he ran Corinthia into the ground, in front of other agents.
That is totally unprofessional conduct, and a manager should know better.
When I said something to John about it later, he said that Merick “needed” to do that to set an example for the other Asc team members.
Not acceptable in the slightest.
Then, after that meeting, I had to sit through a meeting with John’s regular team, in which he told us the official story, (basically, the whole accusation was entirely made up by Corinthya, that Convergys would never do anything like Corinthia was alleging), (cough Michelle Cousare /cough), and that if we even talked about it, we’d be fired for character assassination.
Needless to say, all the “old-timers” confirmed her story, but none of us were going to talk about it out loud.
This should be enough illustration of the past history involved.
Anyway, back to the original reason for this post.
Rich has been on the shitlist for years now.
I know he’s been on John’s and he and Chris don’t get along.
So, it seems as though they’ve finally found an official reason to get rid of him.
From what I’ve been given to understand, there are a lot of people, including supervisors, who aren’t happy about this at all, including Rich’s immediate supervisor.
Unfortunately for Rich, this is a Chris/Merick production, so his immediate supervisor was skipped over in the chain.
So Rich gets to come into work tomorrow, not knowing a thing, and then get canned.
The whole thing’s just sick, and totally wrong, and evil, and this place is being managed by dogs.
Nobody in management has any right to talk about back-stabbing.
Oh, and Vernon got kicked off the Asc team, for supposedly being rude to a member.
I’ve sat on that row for years, and listened to him deal with stupid agents ad infinitum, but never have I, or any other Asc team member heard him become rude.
This place is so fucked up.
We have people in power who are intent on settling old scores, (Chris), and people so intent on climbing the corporate ladder that they don’t care who they step on to get there (Merick).
God, I can’t wait to quit.
OK, I think I feel a little better.

Originally published at customerservant.com. You can comment here or there.

For me, 11 September, 2001 dawned just like any other
Tuesday morning.
I got up, and started getting ready to go to math class.
I turned on the radio, and the announcer was saying that
a plane had crashed into one of the towers of the World
Trade Center.
I immediately assumed that the plane had been some prop
job, and that the pilot hadn’t been paying attention to
where he was going.
I remember asking myself how someone could miss a
building that big.
I never once considered it could be a terrorist attack.
It wasn’t that I thought America could never be
attacked, it was just that no one, especially me, had
ever heard of planes being flown into buildings being
used as a method of terrorism.
Then the announcer said a second plane had hit the other
tower, and I knew at that point we had been attacked.
They played music for a while, and it seemed so out of
Then, a little before 10 in the morning, the announcer
came back on and said that the Pentagon had been hit as
I remember thinking to myself, “What are we going to do
Who the hell would do something like this?
And I still had to go to class.
Luckily our professor, (a graduate student named Robert
Lee), made a short announcement about our upcoming test,
told us both towers had collapsed, and told us that we
could leave if we wanted to.
I don’t think anyone stayed.
I remember walking back to my apartment, and noticing
that no one was laughing, or joking, and that Everyone
was talking in hushed tones.
When I got back home, I found my friend Daniel and my
roommate Joseph sitting in front of the TV watching the
People from every nation were sending their condolences,
and then that message came in from the Taliban at around
13:00, saying that they weren’t responsible.
No condolences, just “We didn’t have anything to do with
it, and we don’t know where Osama is.”
Later on, we all saw the video of the Palestinians
dancing in the streets of Gaza, handing out candy, and
it mane everybody very angry.
For the rest of that day and for some weeks after that,
our nation seemed so much smaller than usual.
Everyone wanted to help, and everyone was kind and
polite to each other.
Anybody who displayed extremist partisan tendencies was
very swiftly put in their place, especially the people
who tried to say it was America’s fault, or who tried to
give the dancing Palestinians an excuse.
For a while it seemed like we had the answer, and we
knew what we had to do, and we didn’t care how long it
took, or what the cost would be.
It was America’s “Never Again.”
Unfortunately, we seem to have lost our resolve.
We’re just as partisan as ever now, if not more so.
People seem to have forgotten that the people who did
this haven’t gone away, and no amount of trying to
appease them is going to make them do so.
People keep moaning about the rights of those imprisoned
being violated, or the methods being used by the
security services in order to try to combat what can
effectively be called wild card warfare, without
providing any alternative, practical solutions.
Healthy debate is always a very good thing, but this
discussion has degenerated into a free-for-all on both
We need to stop all this bickering and one-upmanship
amongst ourselves, bite the bullet, and do what needs to
be done: Go after anyone who either commits terrorist
acts, or supports terrorism, international law be
Anyone who thinks taking the moral highroad by applying
the Geneva Convention to those not signatory to it, even
going so far as to extend its parameters beyond what
would be required if we were engaged in traditional
combat, is the right thing to do is hopelessly naive.
We don’t have time to sit here and engage in serious
navel-gazing, especially when it comes to an enemy who
isn’t really interested in whether or not we repent of
the sins they accuse us of.
And let’s be real clear about who that enemy is, because
it’s a very real one.
That enemy is anyone who either commits terrorist acts,
gives money to terrorists, sympathizes with them, or
gives them shelter.
It doesn’t matter whether the terrorism is committed
against America, or against its allies.
It’s not a very pretty view from where we sit right now,
but unless we keep these things in mind, and really
start acting accordingly it’s going to get a lot worse.
I, for one, am not interested in waking up one day to
find a bigger blood bath has been perpetrated on our
shores, nor am I interested to find out we’ve become the
latest addition to the one world government known as the
I think we know which path to take, even if we all agree
it won’t be easy.
Here’s hoping and praying for a better, more peaceful
future, for everyone who wants such things.

This is an open trackback post.
If you have a 911 tribute, link to this post, and send a
trackback, and I’ll display your links at the bottom of
this post.

Originally published at customerservant.com. You can comment here or there.

I never made it a point to blog about this Friday when I got it, for a number of reasons.
First, I was still exhausted from the monster sinus infection I spent most of last week recovering from, and secondly, it left even me speechless, which is one hell of a feat.
That only happens when something is either so touching/moving/inspirational that I’m humbled and awe-struck, or the stupidity factor is so great that it takes me a while to come up with a suitable response.
Unfortunately for me, this fits into the latter category.
The monumental, earth-shaking solution is, (drumroll please): Disable the Jaws for Windows virtual cursor.
Just so that non-Jaws users have an idea of what I’m talking about, the Jaws for Windows Virtual cursor is an extra cursor that allows Jaws to track what’s going on on the screen, and gives you all the neat Jaws functionality beloved by Jaws users the world over.
No virtual cursor, no Jaws hotkeys, which means no Jaws functionality.
Anyone who has worked with Jaws for Windows as long as these people are supposed to have worked with it would know this, especially if they’re the technical type.
Hell, my mom figured it out, and she’s the least-technical person I’ve ever met.
I’m thinking maybe they should put this stroke of brilliance to better use before it runs out.
If they did, they could have the problem of world hunger solved in a matter of hours, and if they work really hard at it, could probably usher in the Messianic Age all by themselves.
Then, the Messiah could assume his throne with no effort at all, and when God asked how he got all that work done in so short a time, Messiah could just say he outsourced the job.
There has to be a limit to corporate stupidity, there just has to be.
I’ll probably find that when I find a self-help phrase that hasn’t been incorporated into some work-related publication.

Originally published at customerservant.com. Please leave any comments there.

I got back early from lunch, and was setting up the Pacmate, and my phone started ringing.
Since I was still on lunch, I didn’t pick up.
The agent let the phone ring until I clocked in, which was about five minutes.
The little bastards need to read their memo, and try internalizing what it says for a change.
I’m not giving up five minutes of my lunch, just like they’re not giving up five minutes of theirs to get back to work.
If they want to get mad because I’m not there when they call, whenever they call, then too bad.

Originally published at customerservant.com. You can comment here or there.

I knew there was a reason to tell Embarq, (Sprint’s latest incarnation), to bite me.
I’m having problems with my earthlink mail, and since Embarq provides their email through earthlink, I figured I’d have to call them.
The “tech” who picked up the phone asked me four times what my phone number was, then if I could connect to the internet, then was I sure I could connect, then was I *sure* I could connect, before telling me that I had to call Earthlink because they’re not responsible for the mail side.
I wonder if Embarq uses Convergys to outsource their calls.
I wouldn’t be surprised if they do.

Originally published at customerservant.com. You can comment here or there.

Today will most likely be very long.
I was up and down all night blowing my nose and coughing, (yes, I know, not the most pleasant thing to read about), and have been up since about 04:00 this morning unable to fall back to sleep.
I hope I don’t get very many calls today, and I probably won’t.
I also hope to post more today than I have in the last little while.
Lately I just haven’t felt like posting any of my own work, and am thankful for the blogburst material to keep the pings coming from this blog to Technorati and the fifty or so ping services I have listed for that purpose.