@tjtn I’m going to bet that, even if you were to get an iPhone, it would still be cheaper.
@johnmill79 Yeah it probably doesn’t include utilities.
@Liamerven Good for you, Liam. I’m glad you’re not all torn up over this.
@tjtn Isn’t the Orion going to be prohibitively expensive? If so why not just grab a phone from the AT&T store?
@tjtn What were you doing up so late/early?
@Mexi77 @dmarthouse @lordjeff @toonhead Yep and that was near top of the line for the time.
@dmarthouse @lordjeff @Mexi77 @toonhead The computer had a 850MB hard drive and 16MB of RAM and it was a P90.
@dmarthouse @lordjeff @Mexi77 @toonhead My first computer ran DOS622 and I don’t remember the exact specs.
@dmarthouse @lordjeff @Mexi77 @toonhead Yep when I first started out you accessed the internet via something like HyperTerminal.
@tjtn Well I hope it works out for you guys.
@tjtn Is she local or long-distance?
@tallin32 Aw come on, you know you want to hang out in Naked Fun Room. We all do. </sarc>
@Mexi77 Yeah I think that falls under RTFM.
@tjtn @lifesjourney82 Congradulations.
@MurryPrincess What are dermals?
RT @ladinah: I’ll believe #SharedSacrifice when wealthy postpone doctor visits or try to squeeze toothpaste tube one more time because l …