@RicksterTheGeek Well, to be fair, it is rather expensive as far as software is concerned.
@toonhead Who sings this song?
@amy0223 @Mongoose_Q @Simon818 @mf723 If you’re blind, you’re not living unless there’s drama you can create. </sarc>
@amy0223 @Mongoose_Q Who’s involved in the Qwitter highjack? And what are they calling it?
@jessimica76 @quanin Yeah if James is cool with working with me I’ll help.
@ppatel @gonz_blinko Oh wow. I really did not know that.
@quanin @jessimica76 OK who’s teaching? Me or James?
@wa4wga @Mongwen I don’t know, she might have a point.
@gonz_blinko @RicksterTheGeek I don’t think he meant that you were a war criminal He meant Awlaki.
@bravetarheel Uh, made them lie down in a cemetery? That’s a little harsh.
@quanin @jessimica76 If you’re going to put together a pro website, use Druple, not WordPress.
@gonz_blinko @ppatel Yes. AOL is still in business. Unfortunately, my mom still uses an AOL email address.
@gonz_blinko Silly blink, don’t you know you’re not smart enough to figure that out by yourself? #stupidsightytrick
@wa4wga @Mongwen Does she have some particular reason for suspending elections?
@RicksterTheGeek @gonz_blinko Agreed re: the Awlaki dispatch. He put himself on that path as soon as he chose to ally with the terrorists.
@wa4wga @Mongwen The Govnr was smoking? What have I missed?
@Goldfingas Where are you going in NC?
@RicksterTheGeek Happy birthday!
@amy0223 Yes. It was. It’s good for your soul. And suffering builds character and all that.
@WilJames Bowling! I hope that’s how you spell it…