@venison88 @reevesman And have you taken a look at their demands, such as they are?
@venison88 @reevesman The lunies are the ones doing the speaking for the movement.
@venison88 @reevesman I don’t know about that.
@venison88 @reevesman How many people have to commit crimes before it starts to look bad on the movement?
@venison88 @reevesman It’s the official OWS domain. So if it’s not the official organizers, then they need to do something about it.
@venison88 @reevesman And how many lunes do there have to be before the whole thing is written off as a front for lawlessness?
@venison88 @reevesman I’m not getting my info from the media. I’m looking at their demands on their site.
@venison88 @reevesman They don’t even know what they’re fighting for.
@venison88 @reevesman And I think OWS is a front for something else that’s not in our best interest.
@venison88 @reevesman Yeah maybe, but they’re committing a lot of crimes.
@venison88 @reevesman Sorry I mean #ows. Occupy Wall Street.
@reevesman @venison88 Oh, you mean #aws crimes? Those would be so unoriginal.
@dgl1984 Check your DMs
@dgl1984 Oh crap how did Beeperball go today?
@blindtravel Time changes next week, not this one.
@quanin I love it. You used my singing Jaws tweet.
@VCCarin It builds off the old ViaVoice manual.
@BrileyP @solsticesinger They can be used to crash Jaws, but I think most people are using them to make Jaws sing.
@toonhead I hope they reshow this because I missed a big chunk.
@JihadiJew I always manage to mess that one up.