@venison88 @reevesman Not everybody up north was for civil rights, and the majority of the south opposed them as well.
@venison88 @reevesman No, there weren’t more in sheer numbers against the south.
@venison88 @reevesman They had more in numbers than the civil rights activists.
@venison88 @reevesman Yes, and what I’m telling you is that if true democracy had been in place, they would have won.
@venison88 @reevesman Respectfully, thanks for proving my point.
@venison88 @reevesman Yes, and if it had been a true democracy, the south would have won by sheer numbers. But thankfully they didn’t.
@venison88 @reevesman In some cases, it took the national guard going in and enforcing integration.
@venison88 @reevesman The majority of the people living in the south, for example, were dead set against integration.
@venison88 @reevesman If it had been, then the majority of the idiots living in the south would have been able to stop civil rights.
@venison88 @reevesman I’m not saying the protests didn’t have indluence. They did. But it was never a true democracy.
@venison88 @reevesman elected to office of some sort.
@venison88 @reevesman Call me back when our political system officially changes to an absolute democracy and absolute democracy gets someone
@venison88 @reevesman No, that is and was not a democracy. Reread *your history.
@venison88 @reevesman No, it’s not a true democracy. It never has been.
@venison88 @reevesman No, peoples’ democracy never stepped in.
@reevesman @venison88 which is what would happen if we had a true democracy.
@reevesman @venison88 Do you really want the majority being able to foist whatever prejudices on any minority?
@reevesman @venison88 We have an electoral college because we live in a constitutional republic, not a true democracy.
@mektastic Ice Tea definitely wins that award.
illiterate: RT @jamminjerry: @RicksterTheGeek dude? I would love to have 25 listeners. I would love to have 10 like I used too.