@ppatel I’m not sure they’re actually supporting him, just commenting on the story.
Corners are so freaking filled. I have eaten way too much over the last two days.
@WilJames I hope you two are at Best Buy buying me a present. LOL
@BryanAbrams Yeah you really should post more often bro.
@hllf fayetteville nc
@hllf at my mom’s. They’re not Jewish so they’re not praying it and of course no siddur.
Can’t believe this. Brought the charger, but not the Braille sense, so no Braille siddur. What do I do since I don’t know Birkat Hamazon?
I’m at Kangaroo Express (6528 Rockfish Rd, Rockfish) http://t.co/4LUiPuCh