@Object_InSpace Yeah I know. I’ve never been the cause of Twitter drama, let alone extended Twitter drama.
@Mexi77 Or sick my massive Twitter army on them.
@Mexi77 Well, actually, I’d kind of like to cancel their internet service.
@jamminjerry control plus windows plus slash
@jamminjerry No they’re involving me in it. It’s specifically about me.
@jamminjerry Search for my username with @ at the beginning and you’ll see the whole thing.
@jamminjerry I suppose, but it’s getting on my nerves now.
I have a group of losers who have decided that I’m going to be their insult target for some reason today.
So apparently, if you block and report people as spam, they can still mention you. #twitterfail
@BlahBlahBlah410 Use Tweetlist and Boxcar for notifications.
@dj_paddy I don’t know if any apps that will track based on pics, but you can use Livestrong to track.
@jamminjerry We had chicken nuggets and tater tots.
And dinner is served!
Denise is making dinner. It smells good.
RT @efink: Why does media say the Beit Shemesh situation is about “women’s segregation”? It’s not. It’s about violence, bullying and hatred.
@NSRGarret @PanchoPirate You’re just pissed off because I’m not interested in yours. Don’t think anyone should have to bring tweezers to bed
@NSRGarret No, but you can’t get them all all the time.
@NSRGarret LOL that was the point. You catch on quick.
@NSRGarret Is there a particular reason why you’re an angry little hemeroid, or is it just that you haven’t been laid in a while?
@NSRGarret Maybe this’ll make ylou feel better. I was one of the few people who wasn’t bashing your clone during the recent drama.