Oh I just hate this.  It would be my luck to get a raging headache minutes before the fast of Yom Kippur starts.  well, I’ll just suffer through it then I suppose, because I really don’t want to break the fast for a headache.  I hope everyone who’s observing has had a meaningful time of repentance and introspection this Elul and Ten Days of Repentance.  I’d also like to take this time to apologize to anyone who I many have offended over the last year.  And I’d also like to extend forgiveness to everyone who has offended me over the last year, although I can’t really think of anyone offhand.  Everyone have a meangful but easy fast, and may the Holy One inscribe you all in the Book of Life, for happiness, peace, and every other good and sweet thing. 

Originally published at Customerservant.com. You can comment here or there.

I’m on my lunch break and wanted to take a little time to update. It’s only Tuesday and already it’s been a long week. Very very busy. I’m glad I’ll have Thursday off for Yom Kippur, not just because it will be spiritually enriching, but for the simple fact that it will be an extra day not working. I hope all my Jewish friends and acquaintances are having a meaningful Yamim Norim, and I hope that all my Muslim friends and acquaintances had a meaningful Ramadan, and that the fasting wasn’t too hard. Immediately after writing the review for

    The Partner

early this morning, I cued up another book, and am planning to start reading that after work to help with the unwinding. In site news, I managed to get the Batch Categories plugin working, and that’s helping with the reorganization project I’ve been putting off for so long due to the multitude of posts that ended up in the uncategorized category. I’ve renamed that to unsorted which should make things easier to eventually get sorted into categories. I haven’t decided if I’m going to use tags yet. The weather has been very nice for the past few days, and I’m enjoying being able to keep the windows open while I’m awake. It helps keep the feeling of confinement down to a minimum, and it helps with the stress of the calls too. At some point, I plan on getting the wireless configured so that I can take the laptop outside and use it there. It’s that time of year for spending lots of time outside in the nice weather. Well, I want to get something to snack on before getting back to the grindstone, so I’ll end this for now. But look for another book review in the next few days or so. Until next time.

Originally published at Customerservant.com. You can comment here or there.