
Max hates to take pictures. He hates them so much that, if he’s doing something cute, and he catches you aiming a camera at him, he’ll immediately run off and so no picture to add to the collection. So I was very surprised when we got this one. It’s a picture of Max taking over my pillow, which he loves to do whenever I’m around. And of course it’s very cute. So, enjoy this picture on your Labor Day.

It’s been a little while since the last update, so I figured it was time for another one.

Once I got to the airport, the trip to Augusta from Greenville was absolutely perfect. There wasn’t 1 ounce of stupid from anybody in that airport, and I was very surprised. There were no flight delays, and I actually got to a Gusta early.

When I got to Wil and Denise’s place, Max and Titan were of course very happy to see their Aunt Amanda, even if Titan was mad at me for leaving him for so long after my last visit. Once I put my stuff down, and got a partial tour of the house, I realized they have a screened in front porch. This is totally awesome. There is a ceiling fan and a table with chairs, and we have spent countless hours out here. This, of course, has resulted in a staggering lack of productivity between the three of us, and lots of fun. We have managed to get a few things done though. And I’m in the process of updating my resume, and applying for jobs.

As far as my faith is concerned, there are three synagogues here, but I haven’t gone to any of them. I’m feeling a little weird about calling any of them, and having to ask for a ride. But sooner or later, I’ll have to dig up the nerve, because the Yamim Noraim (Days of Awe) are approaching, and I have this idea of possibly becoming a better Jew this year and becoming more observant. To that end, I’m having my mom send my candle sticks and Shabbat candles along with some of my other stuff. I’m thinking of attending the local Chabad synagogue, because I’d like to pray in a traditional setting, and I’ve never been to an Orthodox synagogue. I’ll have to figure out how to get the Chabad Siddur in an accessible format that’s not going to take up a ton of space I don’t have in Braille volumes. But I’m sure I’ll figure something out.