Anybody who says just use apps to scan products in order to grocery shop by yourself has never actually grocery shopped by themselves. This is at best horribly inefficient.
Anybody who says just use apps to scan products in order to grocery shop by yourself has never actually grocery shopped by themselves. This is at best horribly inefficient.
@amanda Maybe somebody can shop that way effectively. I would wander the aisles and scan products only if there were no delivery options available, there was no assistance available from store staff, I had no other form of assistance, and I was desperate.
@DeanEquity @amanda Yeah I mean I guess if you had no other choice, including if your usual assistance was on a power trip or something, then I'd do this.
@amanda @summersun704 I used a Quest back when I had some vision years ago. Even then it wasn’t perfect. Now I use superSense and tthat is far from perfect. Mostly I sit at home and let walmart deliver to me. and I still make mistakes sometimes and serve the wrong thing. And I have B My eyes, AIRA, Seeing AI, VD Scan, and others.
@amanda There's a reason that's being said. after all, if you're blind and ask for shopping assistance at a store these days, you stand the chance of either being denied outright or having some other store employee following you and your shopping assistant around and bitching because you're supposedly taking too long. And if they're not doing that, they're trying to make you only come on a certain day, as if you can accurately predict when any given food is going to run out. ableism at its best.
@amanda @x0 uh, sorry. but i’m a completely blind person, who in fact does this. i use seeing ai and be my eyes / be my ai, to go shop through my local store, find what i want, read what i need from it, and go check out completely on my own. i almost never ask for help in there any more. i know the store better than half the staff. lol. so yes, it can be done. it’s actually not that bad.