Toot by הער טשז חלההער טשז חלה (

Also if that civil disobedience involves arrestable offenses, like trespassing, then the civilly disobedient should expect to be arrested. It's kind of part of the game. Otherwise it's not really civil disobedience.

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11 thoughts on “

  1. @TonyStark @acarson I only partially agree with this.

    Yes, people engaged in civil disobedience should expect to get arrested. That’s part of the tactic.

    And at the same time we have a historic approach to campus civil disobedience that leaves a lot more leeway than that.

    Partially because experimentation of expressing grass roots power and free speech in protest is healthy learning. Partially because events like Kent State have taught us how quickly authoritarian tactics go wrong in the wrong environment. Partially because not arresting them is a counter tactic de-fanging them.

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