Toot by Shira NazarianShira Nazarian (

@swarming Palestinian civilians are starving and desperate because Hamas decided to start a war. As far as whose numbers are acceptable, start with an entity that doesn't view civilian deaths as a tactical good and a battle strategy. Doesn't have to be Israel, but it's definitely not Hamas or anyone repeating their statistics.

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3 thoughts on “

  1. @acarson @lonestarmensch No, they’re starving and desperate because of the simultaneous defunding of UNRWA (justified in the long-term, but in the immediate term leading to dysfunction on the ground in Gaza) and Netanyahu’s decision to refuse to allow the IDF to be deployed to distribute and defend the aid and other essential services – which is plentiful – which is not justifiable, which has meant that Hamas has been able to hijack the aid trucks and deprive the civilians of that aid. The IDF want to do this. The Shin Bet want to do this. They both see the problem. The government does not, and that’s something for Isarelis to work out how to disentangle I think.

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