Toot by Vicious BabushkaVicious Babushka (

@swarming That's exactly how this will go down, and I'm pretty sure the Israeli public, in general and including Israeli Arabs, is not up for another round of that. Especially if it includes continued terrorist attacks and God forbid another October 7.

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8 thoughts on “

  1. @acarson @ViciousBabushka I understand that, and any deal would clearly be contingent on HUGE security guarantees for Israel so that nothing like the atrocities of October 7th can ever happen again.

    But, again, you currently have the USA, Saudi Arabia, EU, and UAE bypassing the Israeli government and public. What happens next is not entirely in the gift of Israel, because the lesson that Israel’s allies have learned (rightly or wrongly) is that Israel will have to have their arm twisted in order for this issue to finally be resolved

  2. @dukepaaron @acarson @ViciousBabushka The reason they don’t support the PA is because they (correctly) view it today as essentially the subcontractor of the Israeli security state. This is what Netanyahu wanted Palestinians to feel, and why he pushed the situation to this point. The PA is brutal, corrupt, repressive.

    Democracy for the Palestinians is a long way off. Literally nobody is suggesting giving them elections probably within any of our lifetimes.

  3. @swarming @dukepaaron @ViciousBabushka And how do you think Israel is going to view “Hey Israel we gave the Palestinians a state that they’re unable to govern so we need you to do things like manage water and electricity and all the things you do now except let’s all make them feel better by calling this a state when actually it’s not a state because no military and no elections”. That’s just absurd, and hope is not a strategy, and proponents of the two-state solution need to get serious about things like Palestinian agency and reforms on that side instead of just yelling at Israel. Which is all that manages to happen.

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