Toot by MatthewMatthew (

There's no reason for Israel to get on board with anything the international community does, not after the only thing it's done is sit on the sidelines and criticize Israel for doing its best to eliminate Hamas. Nobody with any sway in Israel is going to go along with any kind of unilaterally declared Palestinian Authority-run state. Not unless it's completely reformed from top to bottom. If the international community wants that then it's going to need to put boots on the ground, which its various citizenries will never support. This is just intellectuals fantasizing again about how even though nothing they've done over the last 30 years has even remotely worked, it's going to work this time because reasons. Netanyahu's definitely had a role in all this, but he didn't hold a gun to anyone's head and tell them to do October 7, or to commit terrorist attacks, or to insist on a right of return that everybody knows is impossible for Israel to even entertain.

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