Toot by ((Herschel))((Herschel)) (

Also, the Israeli army isn't using rape as a weapon of war against Palestinians. Just sayin' Not that you're saying they are, but that she seems to be trying to say things like this.

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4 thoughts on “

  1. @jaklacroix Yes. I don’t mean to suggest that just because it’s not official policy that rape never happens, nor does anyone else. But the resolution she’s voting present on isn’t about rape in general, it’s about rape as a method of warfare, and honestly if she said yes I’m going to vote yes on this and then use my platform/go to the UN/write my own resolution to call out incidents of rape by IDF soldiers in the territories and how Israel is doing nothing about it, she could totally do that and I’d be 100% behind her on that. But she hasn’t once done that, before or after October 7. So either it’s not that important to her at all, or at best is’s whataboutism on her part.

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