Also, and let's be absolutely clear about this, the extent of Trump's support for Israel is to say blustery things about it and otherwise not give it or its people any aid. He couldn't care less how many Israeli civilians die or are injured. Hell he just ordered the Republicans in the house to tank aid to Israel so he could have the border to run on. Not the actions of someone who loves Israel.
@TonyStark @acarson
I’d have rephrased that last sentence to “He cares about power, and his best path to re-acquiring it and maintaining it is by giving white christian nationalists what they want.”
@acarson @TonyStark @ClintBarton
Trump pretends to care about Israel only to the extent that evangelical Christians care about Israel. He doesn’t give a shit about it. He gives a shit about evangelical support. He literally admitted moving the embassy to make evangelicals happy.