🅰🅻🅸🅲🅴 (@alice@lgbtqia.space) (LGBTQIA.Space)
TL;DR: If we let Facebook play in our pool, they'll eventually shit in it and monetize our outrage. Others have already expressed these concerns, but here goes my 2 cents... Facebook doesn't get the benefit of the doubt. They've already squandered any goodwill they've been given. Facebook's whole business model is: - selling our personal info and "engagement" to marketers, - who will use that asymmetrical power to manipulate us, - with the end goal of making us consume more. To do that, they'll: - invade our spaces to gather more data on us. - change their policies when it suits them. - use their legal & financial leverage to get their way. - spin it all as a beneficent embrace of open standards, community, and competition in the market. The likely result will be: - a shift in all our timelines towards Facebook curated content. - an explosion in growth, which will errode these safe spaces–particularly LGBTQIA+ and BIPOC–that we've worked to establish. - extra costs and strain for server owners. - a foot in the door for corporations to turn the Fediverse into the same cesspool of misinformation and monetization that they've turned the rest of the internet into. --- Edit: @mcp thank you :blobhaj_cathug: for all your work for LGBTQIA.space. I know this place means a lot to a lot of people, myself included. I don't want this post to come across as adversarial to you or anyone else who cares about this community. (But Meta can still go fuck themselves) Edit 2: thank you all for the boosts! I feel like this is an important issue with the potential to affect all of us here, and I appreciate the extended reach. 💜 Edit 3: Tag your favorite instance admin! (mine's already tagged above 😘) Final edit: This was the last time *I'll* boost this post, as I don't want to be any more obnoxious than usual. Final final edit (maybe): This post was quoted in an article, you should read the article. https://privacy.thenexus.today/should-the-fediverse-welcome-surveillance-capitalism/ --- #Meta #Facebook #Project92 #Federation #Fediverse #FediBlock #DefederateMeta #FuckCapitalism #Boost #PleaseBoost
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