i wish people would start saying “people who need screenreaders” instead of “visually impaired people” or similar, because:

1. not everyone with low vision needs a screenreader. this leads to people thinking their job making things accessible is done by making things screenreader-friendly, while most of it is still violently inaccessible to hard of sight people like me who rarely use screenreaders and rely on things like large text.

2. not everyone who uses a screenreader does so because of low vision. i have low vision and the main reason i use a screenreader sometimes are visual processing issues. the idea that only people who can’t see (and thus also can’t read) use screenreaders leads to situations like on twitter when we weren’t able to actually read the alt text, leaving lots of things inaccessible for lots of people. i missed out on a lot of stuff before i was able to view alt text.

be specific. it matters.

#LowVision #Disabled #Disability #VisualProcessingDisorder


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