Chris Trottier ( (Mastodon)
People who use Mastodon, what demonym do you prefer? [ ] Mastodonian [ ] Mastonaut [ ] Tooter

In reply to @atomicpoet.

@atomicpoet @fediversenews I think we should adopt something that identifies those on Mastodon as part of the fediverse as a whole, not necessarily something specific to Mastodon itself.

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6 thoughts on “

  1. @Amanda Carson @Fediverse News Yes, you may want to pick a term that doesn’t sound like the omnipresent misconception “Mastodon == Fediverse” and “Fediverse == Mastodon”.#Fediverse users in general and #Mastodon users in particular should be referred to with different, non-synonymous terms.@Chris Trottier2. Akkompany?10. Hubkaiju?11. The Zapped (for those on still unupgraded instances)12. FreelyWriters13. Les Plumiens14. Funkwhalers (then again…)15. Jack-n-Cokes (let’s see who gets this one)

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