Lots of us who listen to smooth jazz do the same thing and I think most of the musicians who make it know this full well. So there's nothing to feel bad about.
Lots of us who listen to smooth jazz do the same thing and I think most of the musicians who make it know this full well. So there's nothing to feel bad about.
@acarson @KaraLG84 she’s another recipient of the Xandorian Smooth jazz collection. Kara that is, well both of you are she’s, and both of you are recipients of the smooth jazz collection but, to avoid confusion, I was refering to Kara.
@cordova5029 @KaraLG84 Excellent!
@acarson @KaraLG84 I canot tell you how many times IV”e listened to that collection. Sometimes i’ll just pick a disc at random and see what I get. I like to think I killed it.
@cordova5029 @KaraLG84 Yeah you did a pretty good job on that one.
@acarson @cordova5029 Agreed.
@acarson @KaraLG84 Yes, indeed so.
@remixman @KaraLG84 Congrats Xandor you’ve managed to start your very own cult following.
@KaraLG84 @acarson It was sort of a project for a friend, that grew into a 10 disc set. A friend asked me if I had any smooth jazz. I said, sure I’ve got plenty of smooth jazz, and made disc 1. They asked for more so I made disc 2. Then I on my own made three, and the rest is history.
@cordova5029 @KaraLG84 Are we going to get any more disks?
@cordova5029 @KaraLG84 Sorry disc.
@acarson @KaraLG84 probably yeah, 11’s almost finished. Honestly I need to think of more good tracks. Artist suggestions are also welcome. Who have I forogotten to put in one of the discs.
@acarson Looks like the Mona focus bug happened again.
@KaraLG84 Aw that sucks.
@cordova5029 @KaraLG84 I’ll need to go through some playlists but I think I can come up with some recommendations.
@cordova5029 @KaraLG84 You want with or without vocals, or both?
@acarson @KaraLG84 Ooh, please do. I trust your reccomendations.
@acarson @KaraLG84 any and all will do. Just good energy 🙂
@cordova5029 @acarson Is there any Fourplay in it? Before that gets taken out of context this is what the band’s called.
@acarson @KaraLG84 decade isn’t important either. YOu knwo i covered everything from the 70’s to at least 20 something
@KaraLG84 @cordova5029 I think so yes, but if there isn’t there’ll be some in my recommends.
@KaraLG84 @acarson yep I do believe a couple forplay tracks are in there. magic carpet ride and something else.
@cordova5029 @KaraLG84 Kara do we need to make sure you get the collection? Because we can totally do this.
@acarson @KaraLG84 I had an intention of using Chant on one of the discs too. Maybe I did. I know what I used, but shit man, there’s 10.5 discs of stuff.
@acarson @KaraLG84 she has the most up to date of it, as of Saturday, which is 10 discs, but I havne’t given anyone else disc 11, because tis’ not completed, but if you absalootly want it I can give you disc eleven as it stands just so you guies can see what it does
@acarson @cordova5029 Xander sent it to me the other week as well as Stimtastic soul.
@cordova5029 @KaraLG84 Na we can wait till it’s done. It’s sort of like geek Xmas.
@KaraLG84 @acarson for Amanda’s benefit, stimtastical soul is a collection of stimmy 70’s and 80’s mostly, soul and r&b
@cordova5029 @acarson Awesome. I’ve only listened to their first album but it’s brilliant.
BTW its spelt fourplay as in the number 4. I had it down as forplay for years.
@KaraLG84 @acarson oh oh it is fourplay… duh, I knew that, but forgotted