Toot by Eric EggertEric Eggert (

@mekkaokereke Suspension of license happens all the time here. And as someone who is fully reliant on the driving of others I absolutely empathize with people in this situation because when you can't drive you are pretty much screwed in this country. I get the importance of on-time child support, my brother and sisters and I relied on it as kids. And our father was a total jerk about it and it wasn't because he couldn't afford it. But suspending someone's driver's license over it is completely counterproductive in all kinds of ways.

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10 thoughts on “

  1. @acarson @yatil @mekkaokereke My girlfriend always had problems getting child support from her ex. He refused to hold a regular job to avoid paying child support, he only took jobs where he was paid under the table. In pursuing child support she was told that the state would jail her ex, so she didn’t pursue because she knew if he was in jail there was no way he could pay anything. She got a few bucks over the years and he wasn’t involved in his kids’ lives (she gave him every chance).

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