Toot by tobie tobie (

@rameshgupta Up until October 7 and its aftermath, I fully supported an immediate Palestinian state. After that point, I completely understand Israeli opposition to one, at least until Palestinian politics decides they're going to quit pursuing the idea of wiping Israel off the map by any means necessary and to pursue a state instead. And as much as I dislike Netanyahu I completely understand his total opposition to the international community's attempt to shove a Palestinian state down Israel's throat immediately after October 7. It's not like the PA has gone out of its way to distance itself from that attack. It can't even manage to wholeheartedly condemn it.

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5 thoughts on “

  1. ⬆️ @acarson

    Longtime readers of my posts know that I’ve always been supportive of #Israel‘s right to defend itself from #Hamas, and I’ve always blamed #Palestinians for their own misfortune (see #inTheirName).

    #Netanyahu lost my support by revealing his INTENT to occupy #Gaza permanently (or indefinitely). He has also lost support from his OWN war cabinet.


    He has been defying allies for MONTHS— cap in one hand, #middleFinger on another ➡️


    rameshgupta (

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