Toot by MatthewMatthew (

@dukepaaron @ViciousBabushka And how do you think Israel is going to view "Hey Israel we gave the Palestinians a state that they're unable to govern so we need you to do things like manage water and electricity and all the things you do now except let's all make them feel better by calling this a state when actually it's not a state because no military and no elections". That's just absurd, and hope is not a strategy, and proponents of the two-state solution need to get serious about things like Palestinian agency and reforms on that side instead of just yelling at Israel. Which is all that manages to happen.

Toot by :dalek: דאלק בן אברהם :dalek::dalek: דאלק בן אברהם :dalek: (

@swarming @ViciousBabushka Yeah there are even people in Gaza who want Israel to finish Hamas, no matter what it takes. And they don't want the west shoving the PA down their throats because nobody trusts that the west and the Saudis are going to reform the PA. Even if they are going to do this, the time to talk about a Palestinian state is once this reform has legs, not before it even gets off the ground.

Toot by 8124 8124 (

@swarming @ViciousBabushka Yeah, and the west wants to talk about a state? I'm sorry but the west needs to do a bit more after October 7, a situation it helped create by insisting the Israelis withdraw from Gaza and allow elections and by letting UNRWA run wild, before it insists Israel come to the table about a Palestinian state. Like maybe actually help eliminate Hamas and shut down UNRWA and tell the PA no more funding until you quit paying terrorists' families.