Toot by David GoldfieldDavid Goldfield (

@BootsChantilly No, they're embryos, which develop into fetuses, which then develop into human beings. Christians should absolutely be free to practice their religion as they see fit, they are absolutely not free to compel the rest of us to practice their religion.

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11 thoughts on “

  1. @acarson @DavidGoldfield @BootsChantilly

    If human beings are animals like any other animal, then having an abortion is no different than putting down a dog or cat. If humans are different because they have “souls” then an abortion still isn’t different from putting down an animal because a fetus is a soulless golem until it takes a breath of air. There are no mourning rituals for a miscarriage, abortion, or stillbirth in Judaism precisely because an empty soulless body is *not* a human person.

    Your religion can feel differently if it wants to, but you don’t get to make that decision for people on other spiritual paths. You religious organization can command your cult, and only your cult. Your “god” is not universal, is not the only “god,” and your religion is no more valid than any other.

    That’s the real part christians can’t stand – that they’re not special and don’t have “Truth” – and in fact are far less enlightened than other spiritual paths. This is about power, period.

  2. @acarson @BootsChantilly Amanda, we actually agree that no one should impose their religious beliefs on others. I’m actually not looking at this issue from a religious perspective but from the perspective of science. You say that embryos are not human beings? What, then, do you believe they are? Are they not human embryos even according to science? If you don’t consider a human embryo to be a human being then when do you believe that transition occurs? I realize that we may likely have to eventually end this by agreeing to disagree and I’m certainly willing to do that. I mean no hostility toward you or even about this issue.

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