Toot by MatthewMatthew (

Yeah I think let the remaining 30,000 return with descendants settled in countries of residence is definitely something doable. But Palestinian leadership and intelectuals have to agree to stuff like this and they have to start selling it to the street. They also have to start selling recursive reform of the PA to the street. Otherwise the world can say whatever it wants and this is never happening. Netanyahu and his government are gone after this regardless of what the international community decides in any case, so even if this were all Netanyahu's fault, he's going to be out of the picture.

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4 thoughts on “

  1. @acarson @swarming That is an interesting idea. But it won’t currently move the needle because of the present Palestinian politics, which remain on the same trajectory of opposition to any two state solution. The world can unilaterally recognize whatever they want, but Palestinians will continue to reject two state and pursue their one state vision, as they have done since 1947 at every opportunity. Two state is anathema to current Palestinian identity, and will be for some time because of the sunk cost fallacy. Saudi Arabia has demonstrated a capacity to de-radicalize within Saudi Arabia, and that ability could be part of a regional normalization deal that would also improve the lives of Gazans and begin to support healthier visions of the future within the society, eventually leading to a two state solution that exists in the real world, and a lasting peace.

    If you have the time, here is an amazing podcast episode explaining all of this and much more:

    ‎Call Me Back – with Dan Senor: The cost of starting a (losing) war – with Dr. Einat Wilf on Apple Podcasts

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