Toot by Pratik PatelPratik Patel (

@SteveSawczyn OK I looked at the menu and my mouth is watering.

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12 thoughts on “

  1. @acarson @terryb @SteveSawczyn I might have missed that since I don’t pay attention to meat based products. Interesting that the option exists. The best thing about this shop is that, other than the tasty bagels, you can often get the price reduced if you go to pick up bagels in the evening time. They will not serve old bagels the following day. So they either donate or sell them at reduced prices. I’ll take baked goods done in the morning.

  2. @terryb @ppatel @SteveSawczyn I t hink Pratik is probably so used to looking for meatless options that he just completely missed the meat ones. And to be fair, the bacon/ham/steak options are sort of sprinked in, at least from a screen reader user point of view, and so don’t make up the main part of the offerings. It’s sort of how vegetarian or vegan options get treated in the US, except in reverse.

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