Toot by LeonianUniverseLeonianUniverse (

Oh yes it is. See, for example, terminal on a Mack. Constant "busy". Having to interact with just about everything. God knows I have my complaints about Windows and Linux, but you'd have to pay me a lot of money on the regular to convince me to use VoiceOver as my main screen reader for actually get ting things done.

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One thought on “

  1. @acarson @LeonianUniverse I purchased a Mac in 2014/2015 (I don’t remember exact dates) because I thought it would be just as good of an experience as my iPhone. Wrong! Within a few months, I had Bootcamped the thing because I simply was not productive with macOS. In particular, Word processing was a nightmare. Since then, my mom purchased a Mac and I have occasionally used it when my windows laptop has been out of commission. It’s only gotten worse.

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