Toot by Serge from BabkaSerge from Babka (

@emilyk I think this article is right about how everything going on right now is some sort of psychological release for young white leftists, and wrong about everything else. Especially the age-old trope about how if the Jews would just give up everything that makes them unique, and just become voluntary rootless cosmopolitans everything will be OK and we can totally trust the people who have spent the last two months taking out their guilt issues on the Jews to not shit on the Jews once we do what they want. That right there is some nervy antisemitism.

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19 thoughts on “

  1. @acarson @serge Agreed– about the idea of “ethnostates are not a key to safety:” Ok, fine. But there are barely any non-ethnostates, and the ones that exist often are on stolen land colonized first by Europeans, e.g. Canada and the USA. Herzl passionately advocated for assimilation, and even HE realized “this isn’t working,” back in the late 1800s, before the onset of the most intense array of Jewish persecution and death in European history (Holocaust, Russia, et al).

  2. @emilyk @serge It’s one thing to make a statement to the effect that ethnostates in general don’t guarantee safety, and yet another to encourage everyone across the board to give up the idea of ethnostates/nationalism. I didn’t take the article as doing either of these things though, just telling the Jews to give up ethnostate/nationalism.

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