Toot by Justin MacleodJustin Macleod (

@payown @jamminjerry I'm wondering if most of it actually goes to a service they're trying to sustain? If that's the case this is done before it gets off the ground.

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6 thoughts on “

  1. @arush @JustinMac84 @payown personally I think it will be done before it takes off no matter what. like I have said what *average* blind person can afford to pay 150 a month for glasses and the extra features, or what ever it is. one thing you are suppose to be able to do is use them with aira, well that’s great as you have to pay them over 100 a month just for there service. so now you are paying 250 at a bare minimum for these two services.

  2. @arush @JustinMac84 @payown based on an article I just saw, they aren’t even calling what you are paying on the glasses a lease. they are calling it a subscription. I really see this flopping rather hardcore. Envision launches Subscription Edition – AI-powered Envision Glasses now available for $150 per month – US only

    Envision launches Subscription Edition – AI-powered Envision Glasses now available for $150 per month – US only | AppleVis

  3. @payown @arush @JustinMac84 I am sorry, but I wouldn’t even pay 150 on something like this to try them out. what if I liked them, and found them really usefull? I would have to either keep paying that hugely outragious price each month, or send them back. 75 bucks, maybe. 100 bucks, most likely not. 150 bucks hell to the no! this assumes I even had that kind of money that I could throw away like that, which I don’t, so for me it is a moot point.

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