On electric vehicles:
There is no foreseeable battery tech coming in this generation (20 to 25 years) that will make cars clean or green and almost no current battery tech is ethical. Google where cobalt comes from. Google how short a life LiFePo batteries have. Google how unrecyclable they are. Electric cars are Elon Musk’s fantasy, full of Elon’s jizz, to put it bluntly.

On electric bicycles: If you are able bodied, they are of no benefit to you. Any $500 to a $1000 bicycle will outride and outdistance one of these consumerist toys. If you can’t ride because of disabilities like muscle atrophy or a number of other conditions that might allow riding a bike, but no powering a bike, then an electric bicycle is a great idea! Anybody who is able bodied and choses an electric bicycle is just to0 lazy to do the real environmental change that’s needed. I have a heart condition, and I ride a bicycle with no electric assist as my main mode of transport. See also the battery stuff. You can buy a human powered bicycle with reasonable guarantees there is very little likelihood of slave labour being involved in production. The same cannot be said for any battery powered device. I say again, Google where cobalt comes from. Google how short a life LiFePo batteries have. Google how unrecyclable they are.


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