If you’re around a person who is struggling with mental health, the worst thing you can tell them to do is to just feel better or stop being negative. It’s not a choice. Nobody chose to struggle with mental health. The people you’re around most likely don’t intend to be negative or bring you down. They’re hurting. They’re struggling with things that you don’t understand. Telling them to stop being negative, or to get over it, or to feel better, or telling them that they’re fine and to stop faking it is the worst thing you can do, and it shouldn’t be hard to see why. These statements make any given person’s struggles so many times worse. Not only are you minimizing them, you’re also showing that you really don’t give a shit what they’re going through. Support them. Understand them. Listen to them. Do what you can for them. You could honestly save their life by just being there and supporting them when they need you most.


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