Regarding “AT was written because ActivityPub can’t handle portable content and identity”, I wrote up stuff about this *in 2017* and wrote a demo on how to do the portable content part

Good luck to the Bluesky / AT folks, truly. The main thing that frustrates me is this claim that AP can’t do this though. (The Bluesky folks are aware of this, we both wrote some documents about it together, so they *should* know, that’s my main irritation with the FAQ item that says ActivityPub can’t do it.)

But also:

– I am not currently focused on ActivityPub so maybe it’s not the best question to direct at me anymore
– I am focused on Spritely, which will eventually loop back to AP stuff, but that’s not its current focus (it’s a bit more general and dare I say a bit more revolutionary to how applications are written than that)
– I have never been interested in making a Twitter replacement because I am not convinced a global content space is necessarily a good idea
– It’s good that almost everyone agrees that decentralized networks are fundamentally necessary now though
– I am glad that AT/Bluesky is using DIDs and some other components that really might be truly useful
– I am not the best person to ask this question, but I guess I am one of the most obvious people to ask this question


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