Twitter is broken. Thanks, Elon...
About six months ago, Elon Musk bought your favorite neighborhood bar. Then he fired veteran bouncers and bartenders, tried to stiff the landlord and at least one vendor, and demanded that regulars pay a cover charge. He has frequently struggled to serve his customers, yet he has penalized them for mentioning the competition. He has tamped down the revelry in general, really — a lot of conversation at his watering hole has been drowned out by Musk’s own never-ending stage act, which consists mainly of him yelling dad jokes at customers through a bullhorn. Pour one out for Twitter, then. I had been open to Musk’s purchase of the social network, but half a year in, it has been an unmitigated disaster. Musk moved fast and broke nearly everything — the speed and totality with which he has ruined the site has been almost impressive. By Musk’s own reckoning, the company is now worth less than half of what he paid for it. It has lost many large advertisers, most of its employees and, with them, much of its functionality.
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