Wow, this year marks the 20th anniversary of WordPress-it’s wild that I’ve been using it for 15 of those 20 years.

WordPress just posted a downloadable commemorative logo pack (and source files) for their #WP20 celebrations and they’ll continue to announce things for the next couple months up to the actual anniversary date (May 23).



@HistoPol That’s because mainstream media in Europe and even tech media in Europe haven’t heard yet that there are also other projects in the #Fediverse than #Mastodon. They think that Mastodon = the Fediverse, and the Fediverse = only Mastodon.

And I’ve got the impression that 90% of @Fediverse News still thinks the same in spite of the other 10% trying to tell them otherwise.

Mastodon alone won’t be a social network unless it manages to become so incompatible to the rest of the Fediverse that it becomes a walled garden with no connections to the outside world anymore.

In the meantime, that “social network” also consists of dozens of other projects next to Mastodon.



Two things going on that may be related:

1) Mastodon new user count is up to about 1000 per hour for the last day. This is way up from the recent low hundreds.

2) Reddit r/Twitter is full of complaints that Twitter feeds are now not showing followed accounts, replaced by right wing politics and even porn.

Getting tweets… from people that i dont follow and dont know at all >>>

Did twitter change its algorithm completely? >>>



In reply to @chris.

@chris My uncle posted singing the praises of that congresswoman who concocted the Jira conspiracy and let me tell you something it was an actual struggle to not comment and tell him he's a fucking moron and that he and everyone like him deserves to be confined to the boomer playpen that is Facebook because if they venture out onto the rest of the web they'll continue hurting themselves.

Friendly reminder that using those ‘fancy text’ generators to make your name or the text in your posts all pretty makes them inaccessible to screen reader users. They can also be a pain to read visually.
to you, they’re just cute lettering you can just skip over. For a screen reader user like me, depending on various things, they could come out as
‘mathematical small bold k mathematical small bold a mathematical small bold r mathematical small bold a’,
‘letter 126b letter 17dj letter 13y7dwiz’
or nothing at all.
I’m not sure off the top of my head how they appear on a Braille display but it’s bound to be a right mess.
I don’t particularly call any of those pretty, do you?
Plain boring text that is accessible to everyone is the new pretty.
#a11y #accessibility


As usual, read this from @pluralistic and get pissed. No, I mean really pissed. This is extra pissed times.

“Listen: people aren’t pissed off about the bailout because they want startups to fail. They’re pissed off because they are living in the century of “socialism for the rich and rugged individualism for the poor””

Pluralistic: Learning from Silicon Valley Bank’s apologists (15 Mar 2023) – Pluralistic: Daily links from Cory Doctorow
