The Blind Vintage Tech Community (BVTC) forum site is now live!
Are you blind/visually impaired? Are you a sucker for retro hardware and/or software? Do you hate to see icons of the past slip into the land of the forgotten? This is the site for you! This site aims to unite sightless nostalgia freaks and retrophiles the world over. Classic operating systems, old school screen readers, long lost and forgotten speech synthesizers… It’s all here!
Though this site is mainly targeted at the blind/visually impaired, sighted folks are allowed to join as well! It’s important that sighted people gain an insight (no pun intended) into how us V.I folk live our lives. Nothing about us without us, right? With all that said, remember to follow the rules and have a good time! πŸ™‚
Check out the site and sign up for free at


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