Back in the 201x’s I set up a computer lab in a Detroit residential human trafficking shelter. I’d go by every few months, when the donated & scrap equipment died. We’d gotten it mostly stable in 2019.

March 2020, they went into lockdown. We agreed that I should stop visiting.

Got a call last night. The scrap gear has been ticking along, but suddenly nothing works. They’d like me to come back and troubleshoot.

I’m still in isolation. I’m an assortment of pre-existing conditions, and vaccination or no I don’t need long covid.

But the thought of using my skills to help folks who desperately need it is irresistible. And the lab will be empty when I show up, other than my contact. If they need replacement gear, what I don’t have my local contacts can provide out of their scrap-piles.

This work feels good.


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