Tim O'Brien (@timobrien@mastodon.social) (Mastodon)
"Beta" is a term of art in the software biz, meaning pre-release, buggy, unfinished, and not suitable for production use, among other things. FSD has been in beta since October 2020. I won't speculate about whether Tesla attorneys are advising the company to maintain the 'beta' label as a hedge against liability, but a.) that's a really long time for a beta version, and b.) it's outrageous that any company would be permitted to test this kind of tech on public roads. https://arstechnica.com/cars/2023/02/tesla-to-recall-362758-cars-because-full-self-driving-beta-is-dangerous/

More importantly, you are never, and I mean never, supposed to push beta to production (or, push beta to prod, as we say in the biz). And public roads and your customer base, as opposed to your QA team and beta test team, are about as prod as it gets. So Tesla, and by Tesla I mean Elon, has been deeply irresponsible to put it in the most charitable way possible.

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