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  1. Re “pandemic amnesty”

    “Pandemic amnesty” is more of the psychopathic authorities’ typical screwing with the public’s mind, for THEIR benefits, of course. Nothing else.

    First the psychopaths PLAN and execute a holocaustal operation called Covid-19 THEN they want to be acquitted of any wrongdoing. This criminal game is one of the key traits of psychopaths when they should be in prison lifelong without parole ever.

    But…. 99% of people STILL have NO clue that psychopaths are the leaders of all governments because most people prefer being asleep than awake to reality, and they have a FALSE idea of what psychopaths really are (a misdirecting brainwashing script the psychopaths have also long planned and set in place with the ignorant sleeping public) — read “The 2 Married Pink Elephants In The Historical Room –The Holocaustal Covid-19 Coronavirus Madness: A Sociological Perspective & Historical Assessment Of The Covid “Phenomenon”” …

    “Never hide the truth to spare the feelings of the ignorant.” — Mikhail Bulgakov

    Why do you think not a single responsible psychopathic authority ended up in jail for their planned 2008 super criminal housing bubble/economic collapse operation that destroyed the lives of millions of people around the world (and there are lots of similar examples throughout history)? NOW you know as you just learned a key lesson on psychopaths.

    ALL of the psychopaths’ begging for forgiveness is JUST a charade to keep fooling the generally comatose public in order to save THEIR OWN skin. Another example of constant public mind control of theirs, serving THEIR interests. But the generally mentally challenged public falls for the psychopath’s fake games endlessly. It won’t be any different this time judging from human history.

    The psychopathic leaders’ endless lying and manipulating is TOO evident in their very fake “call for forgiveness” for what they supposedly didn’t know during the worst of the pandemic, that they’ve got published in one of their owned and controlled propaganda media outfits (“we need to forgive one another for what we did and said when we were in the dark about COVID” []) which is a TOTAL LIE because these human monsters were NEVER “in the dark” because it was an ENTIRELY PLANNED super crime-against-humanity of theirs, which is STILL GOING ON (see first cited url).

    If you’re in the US and your employer mandates the toxic/lethal COVID jabs, register to get a free “Medical Exemption Certificate” at or

    “… doctors and scientists are now on the same lever of public confidence as the scum living in the swamp.” — Unknown in 2022

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