I’ll admit that I skipped over this whole thing back in 2020 because redoing the 1990’s rap freakout just wasn’t something I was interested in. But if I were Ben’s wife, and I found out that he discussed explicit details of our intimate life for clicks, (and she had to have found out because this was all over the place), I’d be very angry to say the least. And hurt. Also I’d have to check this but I’m pretty sure that publicly humiliating your wife, regardless of whether or not she’s a strong enough woman to just shrug it off, violates that whole lashon hara bit of Jewish law. His relationship with God is his own business, but even if he managed some sort of moral dispensation, it’s still an incredibly shitty thing to do and demonstrates that maybe you’re not a person who should be looked to for moral examples of what to do. And it was all for clicks and culture war points. Pathetic.