Cawthorn has moved from awful to alarming. Pay attention.
Few of us want to pay attention to Madison Cawthorn. In less than a year in Washington, the freshman representative from North Carolina has built the wrong kind of national reputation with allegations of sexual assault, a steady drip of misinformation, and far too many palm-to-face-moments. Just last week, Cawthorn proudly proclaimed that he had “formally requested that the U.S. cabinet invoke the 25th Amendment” and remove President Joe Biden, although that’s not something a U.S. representative can “formally” do. That request also misspelled the name of Vice President Kamala Harris. Such antics leave Democrats incredulous and at least some Republicans shaking their heads. For all, Cawthorn is a somber and regular reminder that our country has grown so polarized that Republican voters felt compelled to pull the lever for a candidate with a glaringly thin resume and a bloated history of lying.
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