@BrileyP @darrell Well, OK, and the guys at Westpoint. But that’s expected as well.
@PeggySueCusses Nope, his son’s dead too.
@PeggySueCusses Granted, someone else will take over, since it’s a network and not a hierarchy, but not his son.
@technolass i like that. Good one.
@PeggySueCusses Yep we got him.
@GShang Yes we created the monster, but at least we didn’t send him to attack Soviet civilions. He attacked civilions all on his own.
@khoath LMAO just sacrificed some coke for that…
@khoath Yeah its one of the sexual ones. There are a couple I think.
@khoath I assumed you were replying to another tweet and so laughed.
@khoath Yeah I know, I just had to figure out which tweet of mine you were replying to.
@jessimica76 No I’m a practicing Jew but curious nonetheless and try not to be judgmental.
@QueenofSpain @DCPlod I’m confused. He gave credit where it was due. Isn’t that what he should have done?
@byron27 @Liamerven Hey you guys could broadcast the drunken BDay party as this week’s episode of the Talk Zone.
@jessimica76 Yes. http://www.customerservant.com
@Liamerven I always used to like to come up with stories based on the way album tracks were placed.
@jessimica76 No that’s my personal one. Working on the pro website. csconsult.us.
@stick_bear You do unless you want to manually do it.
@stick_bear I can’t think of any reason why you couldn’t.
@jamminjerry Have you called Social Security to see why you’re minus what you are?
@jamminjerry I’d think that would be one of your first moves.